County Welfare Directors Association of California
When the County Welfare Directors Association of California reached out to us for a professional redesign and rebrand of their association’s website, we were thrilled to take on the challenge. CWDA needed a new website that could help them promote its human services system that encourages the self-sufficiency of families and communities and protects vulnerable children and adults from abuse and neglect. The new site represents the collective voice of human service directors from each of California’s 58 counties.
We conducted an in-depth discovery as part of our 5-phase web development process. Internal and external stakeholders were surveyed to clarify the intentions of CWDA and its relationship with its members, staff and the general public.
A more compelling, results-oriented design was created for the website, supported by the content management system. Staff can now offer members easy access to resources such as webinars, training materials, desk aids, and fact sheets.